Write for us


  • Home improvement,
  • Business
  • Finance,
  • Automotive
  • Lifestyle,
  • Technology
  •  Vacations with the family or for parents,
  • Entertainment

If you’re interested, read the contributor rules, then fill out the Writer Application form.

This Pertains To These Writers:

  • Your blog to advertise your firm.
  • Your blog sells ebooks, courses, services, or other non-banner revenue.
  • You’re a marketer advertising a client.
  • It should be better writing than what we typically publish, and your prejudices and conflicts of interest should be revealed.

What Makes A Great Green Post?

Read other people’s guest blogging rules to learn what makes a good post. Guest posts should include the following:

  • Our top posts are 600 to 2000 words long or 500+ words with original photographs.
  • Keep it educational; don’t sell anything.
  •  Make it practical and applicable by including beneficial recommendations.
  • Show, don’t tell — utilize original photographs, video, or other multimedia.
  • Prove It — Use referenced and useful resources, such as Insteading and the web
  • Relevant To Your Expertise — Write about issues you have firsthand experience with. If you’ve never cut a wine bottle in half, don’t write about it.

You Can Search For Our Guest Post Page

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